Where There are Peaks, There are Valleys
The idea that people only have strengths and no weaknesses is a prescription for mediocrity. Strong people always have strong weaknesses. You can't address your weakness if you don't admit you have any.
The Game of Quality
Is quality a single-player game or a multiplayer game? At first thought, the answer may seem straightforward, but it is quite the contrary.
What Is Your Definition of Quality?
Quality is at times expressed as a relative concept and can mean different things to different people. Quality Management starts with defining what quality means to you and your organization.
How To Get More Information by Not Asking for It
Have you ever faced a dilemma where you're trying to get information from a person you work with or a person in another company with whom you do business? There's only one proven way to get this information.
Don't Look for the Right Man
Most companies post detailed job descriptions with a checklist of required education, skills, experience, and interpersonal skills when they are looking to hire talent. What's wrong with this approach? Does it work? Is there a different way?